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Start the week off with your meals ready to go! Nourished Bermuda prepares delicious plant-based meals for an affordable price, saving you time and money. Choose from a selection of 5 or 10 meals for everyday lunch and dinner. Their meals are nutritious, balanced and are all under 480 calories. Pick-up days are twice a week, Friday and Sunday.  For more information, please contact Nourished.

by Yabsta
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1 result found in Businesses for mr.chicken bermuda
Since 1985, Mr. Chicken has been selling the most delicious chicken dishes in Bermuda. Chickens, not your thing? We also serve homemade burgers, shrimp, fish, steak-umms, and more!   If you're not in St. Georges, we have 5...

123 Mullet Bay Road, Saint George, Bermuda,

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